Giới thiệu

USSH's organizational structure

Thursday - 08/11/2018 02:50

Board of Rectors

Faculties and Departments

  • School of Journalism and Communication

  • Faculty of Tourism

  • Faculty of Oriental Studies

  • Faculty of Political Science

  • Faculty of Management Science

  • Faculty of History

  • Faculty of Archives and Office Management

  • Faculty of Linguistics

  • Faculty of Anthropology

  • Faculty of International Studies

  • Faculty of Psychology

  • Faculty of Information and Library Science

  • Faculty of Philosophy

  • Faculty of Literature

  • Faculty of Vietnamese Studies and Language

  • Faculty of Sociology

  • Division of Religious Studies

Administrative Offices

  • Office for Cooperation and Development

  • Office for Inspection and Legal Affairs

  • Office for General Administration

  • Office for Research Affairs

  • Office for Politics and Student Affairs

  • Office for Academic Affairs

  • Office for Planning and Finance

  • Office for Personnel Affairs

  • Office for Graduate Affairs

  • Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities

Centers and Institutes

  • Center for Contemporary Religious Studies

  • Center for Arts and Culture Studies and Application

  • Center for Information Technology training and application

  • Taiwan Education Centre (TEC)

  • Center for Chinese Studies

  • Center for Gender, Population, Environment and Social Affairs

  • Center for Assisting and Consulting Psychology

  • Research Center for the Development of Minorities in Mountainous Regions and the Red River Basin

  • Hanoi Sejong Center for Korean language

  • Center for Vietnamese Language and Culture

  • Center for Education Quality Assurance

  • Institute for Policy and Management

  • Center for Foreign Languages and Educational Cooperation

  • Center for Asian-Pacific Area Studies and International Relations

  • Museum of Anthropology

Author: ussh

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