Tìm kiếm hồ sơ

TS Emmanuel Pannier

Chức vụ Giảng viên
Đơn vị Giảng viên thỉnh giảng người nước ngoài

Giới thiệu / kỹ năng

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Emmanuel Pannier, Phd

1. Summary:

- Researcher at the French National Research Institute for Development (IRD)
Affiliated at the Research Unit “PALOC” - Local Heritage, environment and globalization (IRD- National Museum of Natural History)
- PhD in anthropology at University of Provence – Aix-Marseille
- Lecturer qualification by National Council of Universities (CNU): Section 19 (Sociology, demography) and section 20 (ethnology, prehistory, biological anthropology)
- Language proficiency degree in Vietnamese from Language Training Center of Hanoi Polytechnic Institute
- Master in « Social Practices in Development » optional subject: local and sectoral dimensions of development actions in urban and rural environments. Institute of Studies of the Economic and Social Development" (IEDES) Panthéon Sorbonne University, Paris I.
- Master of Ethnology and Anthropology, Denis Diderot University (Paris 7)
- Degree of History, Denis Diderot University (Paris 7)

2. Main research:

  • Non-commercial flows, interpersonal transfers and personal relationship (ceremonial exchanges, gifts-giving, debt, etc.) in contemporary Vietnam
  • Local responses and adaptation strategy to extreme-weather hazard in Vietnam’s northern upland
  • Local knowledge related to glutinous rice cultivation, seed exchanges networks and “Commons” in Vietnam’s northern upland
  • Dealing with uncertainties in Vietnam: between planning and improvisation
  • Legal pluralism: modes of combination of normative system
  • Monitoring and Evaluation System of Protected Area (Madagascar)
Teaching directions
  • Economic anthropology
  • Socio-anthropology of social change and development
  • Qualitative fieldwork methodology

3. Research achievements:

- Main publications in international journals, print publications: statistics + some typical publications directly related to the expertise participating in teaching and scientific guidance at VNU-USSH.
Pannier E., 2015, Seule la réciprocité. Circulation non marchande et relations sociales dans un village du nord du Vietnam, Paris, Connaissances et Savoirs.
Pannier Emmanuel and Duteurtre Guillaume, 2022, “The Hybrid Nature of the Vietnamese Market Economy: Personal Relationships and Debt in the Dairy and Maize Sectors”, in T. A.-D. Tran (ed.), Rethinking Asian Capitalism. The Achievements and Challenges of Vietnam Under Doi Moi. Switzerland. Palgrave MacMillan/Springer Nature : pp. 59-91
Pannier Emmanuel, 2021, Land Tenure and Irrigation in North Vietnam’s Mountainous Regions. Rights outside the Law? in Frezet Edoardo, Goetzmann Marc, Mason Luke, Spaces of Law and Custom, London, Routledge,  pp. 46-65.
Pannier Emmanuel, 2020, “Nhânh học phát triển” [Anthropologie du développement], in Nguyen Van Suu (ed) Nhân học : Ngành khoa học vè con người [Anthropologie : l’étude des humains], Hanoi, Hanoi National University Press.
Pannier Emmanuel, 2018, Relations sociales et échanges. In : Tréglodé B. de (dir). Histoire du Viêt Nam de la colonisation à nos jours. Paris : La Sorbonne, 2018, p. 199-218. (Libres Cours). ISBN 979-10-351005-3-7
Pannier Emmanuel et Culas Christian, 2022, “Khảo cứu dân tộc học để thúc đẩy "phát triển từ cơ sở" ở miền núi phía Bắc Biệt Nam: Những thách thức, vị thế và giới hạn của "nhân học gắn kết"” [Mobilizing ethnography to foster “development from below” in Vietnam’s northern upland: Challenges, statue and limits of “involved anthropology”], Tạp Chí dân tộc học [Anthropology Review], 1(229): 17-33.
Bouté Vanina, Huard Stéphen and Pannier Emmanuel (eds), 2021/2022, Non-Market Transfers in Southeast Asia and Beyond. Diversity of Exchange and Dynamics of Social Relations. Moussons, special issue n°37.
Bouté Vanina, Huard Stéphen and Pannier Emmanuel, 2021/2022, « Studying Non-commercial Transfers from Fields in Southeast Asia and Beyond », [En ligne], Moussons , n°37
Pannier Emmanuel , 2021/2022 « Conceptual, Terminological and Methodological Foundations for Addressing Non-Commercial Transfers », Moussons [En ligne], n°37
Christian Culas, Emmanuel Pannier et Hang Thi Thu Truong, 2021, « Expressions et évolutions de l’anthropologie du développement au Vietnam », Anthropologie & développement, Hors-Série : « L’APAD a 30 ans » : 227-245.
Duteurtre, G., Pannier, E., Hostiou, N., Mai Huong Nguyen, Jean-Daniel Cesaro, Duy Khanh Pham & Pascal Bonnet, 2021, « Economic Reforms and the Rise of Milk Mega Farms in Vietnam: Governing the Post-socialist Transition”. European Journal of Development Research.
Pannier Emmanuel, Vu Toan Canh, Espagne Etienne, Pulliat Gwenn and Nguyen Thi Thu Ha, 2020, « The Three Dialectics of Adaptation Finance in Vietnam », Sustainability, 12(18), 7691 Special Issue “Adapting to Climate Change: The Interplay between International and Domestic Institutions in the Context of Climate Finance”,
Pannier E., 2015, “An overview of non-commercial flows in contemporary Vietnam”, Vietnam Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities 1(3): 229-245
Nguyen Cong Thao and Pannier Emmanuel (eds), 2023, Ứng phó với thiên tai từ cấp độ địa phương (Local responses to natural disaster in Vietnam), special issue, tạp chí dân tộc học (Anthropology Review), 2(236).
Nguyen Cong Thao and Pannier Emmanuel, 2023, “Ứng phó với thảm họa thiên tai ở Việt Nam: Một bức tranh nhiều màu sắc” [Reponses to natural hazards in Vietnam: one picture many variations], Tạp chí dân tộc học (Anthropology Review), 2(236): 3-12
Emmanuel Pannier and Phan Thi Kim Tam, 2023, “Ứng phó sau lũ quét ở miền núi phía Bắc Việt Nam: Nắm bắt các thực hành thích ứng thông qua tiếp cận chuỗi liên tục” [Post-flood responses in Vietnam Northern upland: capture adaptation practices through a continuum approach], Tạp chí dân tộc học (Anthropology Review), 2(236): 12-34
Phan Phuong Anh, Emmanuel Pannier, Nguyen Nhat Anh and Phan Thi Kim Tam, 2023, “Đa dạng ứng phó về cư trú và sinh kế sau thảm họa thiên tai ở vùng cao phía bắc việt nam: trường hợp thôn tùng chỉn, xã trịnh tường, huyện bát xát, tỉnh lào cai” [Diversity of post-disaster responses for residence and livelihoods in the northern highlands of Vietnam], Tạp chí dân tộc học (Anthropology Review), 2(236): 35-51
- Highlight project topics hosted/participated (abroad, in Vietnam):
2023-2025 - Coordinator of the project “TAĐIDÔ – Fieldwork Training workshop in Vietnam (USSH-IRD)
2019-2023      - Package Leader within the project GEMMES-VN « Socio-Economic impacts of climate change in Vietnam and adaptation strategies »
(AFD). In charge of the package “Adapto”: Local responses and adaptation strategy to climate change in Vietnam: Perception of environmental changes and role of social network to cope with environmental hazards
2018-2026    - Coordinator of the Socio-Anthropological package within the project “DT3Ma”: Socioeconomic and Environmental Knowledge, Monitoring
and Evaluation System of the Makay New Protected Area (Madagascar)
2017-2018    - Coordinator of the research and training project "oriZgine Vietnam". Local knowledges, collective action and biodiversity: sustainable
management of local rice varieties in the northern mountain of Vietnam.
2015-2018   - Associate researcher for the program « local governance of water ressources in the Đồng Nai–Sài Gòn watershed (South of Vietnam) »
(French School of Asian Studies – French Development Agency)
2013-2014   - Research Fellow at National Center of Scientific Research (CNRS - Norbert Elias Center) for "Revalter project"
(Program ANR "Agrobiosphere" - CIRAD): “Multi-scale assessment of livestock development pathways in Vietnam”
2010-2013    - Local coordinator, researcher and teacher in Anthropology for the project: « Study of Social Change and development projects in ethnic area
in Northern Vietnam » founded by French Agency for Development (AFD)

4. Collaboration activities at VNU-USSH:

- Participation in teaching (name of the major, subject, or language teaching and name of the faculty)
Anthropology: Economic anthropology (language teaching : Vietnamese)
Anthropology: Socio-anthropology of social change and development (language teaching : Vietnamese)
Anthropology: Qualitative fieldwork methodology (language teaching : Vietnamese)

- Scientific guidance (the number of students and postgraduate students under your guidance till now)
Students in Anthropology: 4
postgraduate students in Anthropology::2
Phd Student in Anthropology: 1

- Connecting training and scientific research cooperation with universities and scientific organizations around the world: organizing seminars, exchanging lecturers, helping students in internships; connecting lecturers and students to participate in international projects (in Vietnam and abroad).
2019-2023: Hosted at the Department of Anthropology, University of Social Science and Humanities of Hanoi (Vietnam National University)
2019-2023: Internship supervisor for students and post-graduate students of in the Department of Anthropology, University of Social Science and Humanities of Hanoi
2021-2023: Support for the program “Nghiên cứu khoa học của sinh viên” at USSH-Hanoi
2023-2025 Coordinator of the project “TAĐIDÔ – Fieldwork Training workshop in Vietnam (IRD , USSH-Hanoi, USSH-TP HCM, Hue University, ISEE)
2019-2023 Package Leader within the project GEMMES-VN « Socio-Economic impacts of climate change in Vietnam and adaptation strategies » (AFD): cooperation with USSH-Hanoi, VASS, EFEO.
2019-2022: Support for the organization of international conference of Anthropology at USSH-Hanoi: Anthropology and Development; Anthropology and Environment, Anthropology and Cities
2019-2022: Coordinator of the seminar: “Environmental History of Vietnam” (AFD-USSH- IRD)
2022- now: Member of the Scientific Committee of the “International Journal of Development Studies” (University Paris 1 – Panthéon Sorbonne)

5. Contact information:

Email: emmanuel.pannier@ird.fr
Phone number (if any):
Note: Requirements of photo: Portrait size, good quality
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