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Call for papers: Conference on Policy Advocacy to Promote Open Educational Resources in Higher Education in Vietnam

Wednesday - 06/07/2016 03:10
Call for papers: Conference on Policy Advocacy to Promote Open Educational Resources in Higher Education in Vietnam
Call for papers: Conference on Policy Advocacy to Promote Open Educational Resources in Higher Education in Vietnam

Dates: September 28th 2016

Venue: Hanoi, Vietnam

The call for papers is now open for the 2016 Conference on “Policy Advocacy to Promote Open Educational Resources in Higher Education in Vietnam”. This is the second conference on OERs host by the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (Vietnam National University- Hanoi) with the supports from UNESCO Bangkok. The conference is expected to gather researchers, policymakers and practitioners in order to figure out the challenges in addressing issues of exploitation and current OER situation of higher education in Vietnam. On that basis, a national policy scheme would be proposed in terms of developing, sharing and utilizing OERs in Vietnam.

Papers and posters on the following topics would be particularly welcomed. The following topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

* Applications and experience

  • OERs international experiences
  • OERs in Vietnam
  • Deployed policies in OERs
  • Roles of libraries in developing OERs
  • Roles of regulatory bodies in managing and boosting OERs
  • Roles of universities in developing OEs
  • Roles of lecturers in creating and sharing OERs
  • Students and OERs
  • Challenges and Opportunities in developing OERs
  • Gender equality and right to Open education and OERs
  • Copyright and licensing
  • OERs: approaching from Business perspective
  • OERs and information technologies
  • OERs in Vietnam: Cooperation

* Policy Advocacy and Recommendations

  • Proposing policies in creating, utilizing and sharing OERs among Vietnam Universities and Colleges
  • Proposing an appropriate model for the higher education in Vietnam


Full Paper Due: 30/8/2016

Conference Date: 28/9/2016


  • Submissions for the conference MUST not be published in any periodical, scientific magazines as well as any conference before.
  • The paper should consider the following:
    • Objectives or purposes of the research
    • Perspective(s) or theoretical framework
    • Methods, techniques or modes of inquiry
    • Data sources or evidence
    • Results and/or conclusions/points of view
    • Educational importance of this study
    • Connection to the themes of the assembly
  • Authors should ensure that enough details are given to be able to assess the novelty or the impact of the paper.  Please ensure that the following information appears clearly in your paper:
    • Names, titles, and institution or organization, email, phone number for all presenters
  • Referred and non-referred paper:
    • All papers must be written in English or Vietnamese
    • Papers may not exceed 10000 words including appendices, references and diagrams
    • Include an abstract of 150 words maximum to print in a program
    • Single-spacing, tables within the text
    • Font types preferred: Times New Roman oFont Size preferred: 12 points oPlease use APA formatting and please be consistent throughout the paper
  • Posters
    • The poster session provides an opportunity to display information about research in progress and innovative projects or activities in an formal. Poster proposals are a maximum of an A0 description, including references.


Papers can be submitted to the email address:

For any enquiries regarding the programme, please contact

Faculty of Library and Information Science, University of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU-HN

336 Nguyen Trai, ThanhXuandist., Hanoi, Vietnam

Tell: (0084) 04 38583909


For all general enquiries, please contact

Dr. Bui ThanhThuy

Science Secretary

Tell: 0912291206


We look forward to seeing you at the Conference - Policy Advocacy to Promote Open Educational Resources in Higher Education in Vietnam. You can find out more information about the conference on this link:


Prof. Nguyen Van Kim 

Chair man

Author: ussh

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