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The University of Social Sciences and Humanities is the first and only training institution in Vietnam that offers Japanese training programs at all three levels: Bachelor - Master - Doctor.

Friday - 23/06/2023 09:19
On June 21, 2023, the Master's Degree Program in Japanese Studies and the Doctoral Program in Japanese Studies at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (VNU-USSH) were officially approved by Hanoi National University. And right in the second round of graduate enrollment in 2023 at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, you can apply to become the first Japanese student and Ph.D. student to study at USSH.
The Japanese department at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities established in 1993 (since 2019 has become a major with its own enrollment number) has now had 25 courses with nearly 800 graduates. The average entry and exit points of students majoring in Japanese studies are often at the top of the Faculty of Oriental Studies in particular and the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in general. 
Right from the very first day of its establishment, the founders of the Department of Japanese Studies at Hanoi University of Social Sciences and Humanities soon recognized the need to train a high-quality human resource with comprehensive and profound understanding about the country, language, culture, and people of Japan. Human resources can meet the needs of government agencies that need experts and consultants about Japan; needs of Japanese enterprises in Vietnam, Vietnamese enterprises and international organizations having relations with Japan that are in dire need of staffs who can work long-term in a Japanese environment, fluent in the language, knowledgeable about Japanese culture, and way of life.
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VNU-USSH lecturers and students of Urasenke Tea Ceremony Club USSH at Etokuan Tea Room of Hanoi Urasenke Tea Club.
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Students from Japan and VNU-USSH students exchange and share academic knowledge in scientific conferences and bonding activities
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Phan Hai Linh shared: “Based on the close cooperation relationship with universities in Japan and Asia, Europe, America, etc., the Japanese Studies department is gradually expanding its relationship and cooperation beyond the Asian region with the desire to build a Japanese study in Vietnam to meet with the international level”.
The context of the cooperation relationship between Vietnam and Japan urgently requires a contingent of human resources with postgraduate qualifications with full specialized knowledge about Japan, capable of thinking, synthesizing and analyzing, being professional and foreign language competence to contribute to the policy making for state agencies, research and teaching at universities. Realizing that potential, along with the companionship and support of VNU, the University's Board of Directors, the Faculty of Oriental Studies, and the Japanese faculty have made great efforts to build and successfully defend the program of master's and doctoral degrees in Japanese studies.
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Conference about the project of opening a master's degree in Japanese studies with the participation of many experts and researchers on Japanese studies inside and outside Vietnam National University, Hanoi.
And on the morning of March 15, 2023, VNU-level Appraisal Council, led by Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Hoang Hai (Vice President of VNU) chaired, with prestigious and experienced experts such as Prof. Dr. Nguyen Dinh Duc, Prof. Dr. Momoki Shiro, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Tien Luc,... accepted with both proposals for "Master of Japanese Studies" and "Doctor of Japanese Studies".
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On June 21, 2023, VNU President Le Quan signed Decision No. 2178/QD- University of VN on promulgating a master's degree program in Japanese studies (code: 8310613) and Decision No. 2176/ QD-VNU issued a doctoral program in Japanese studies (code: 9310613) and assigned the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (VNU-USSH) to organize the training.
With the Master's and Doctoral Programs, students and PhD students will be able to learn and research in depth about Japan, from language, politics, economy, culture, literature, education, diplomacy, and aesthetics of Japanese art, law..., as well as Japanese research methodology.
The lecturers at the Japanese Studies department include 1 professor, 3 associate professors, 4 PhDs with professional orientation in Japanese studies, experienced in conducting research programs with Japan, most of them have studied and researched at leading Japanese universities, and possesed many quality scientific works related to Japan published at home and abroad. Besides, there are also the teaching participation from experts and researchers on Japanese studies from prestigious universities in Vietnam, Japan and many other countries.
The Japanese Studies department has built academic exchanges with leading Japanese universities: University of Tokyo, Kyoto University, Osaka University, Tokyo University of Foreign Studies, Tokyo Gakugei University , Nara Women's University, Senshu University, Showa Women's University... Through this, students, trainees and graduate students will directly attend lectures on Japanese studies by Japanese and foreign professors; striving for scholarships for study and scientific research, practical internship opportunities in Japan.
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The Rector of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities met Ms. Bando Mariko, President of the Council of Showa Women's University (Japan)

Author: Hạnh Quỳnh - USSH Media. Translator: Đại Hữu

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