Tìm kiếm hồ sơ

PGS.TS. Nguyễn Thu Hương

Email huongnt11@ussh.edu.vn
Chức vụ Giảng viên
Đơn vị Khoa Nhân học

Giới thiệu / kỹ năng

PGS Ts Nguyễn Thị Hương

I. Thông tin chung  

  • Năm sinh:
  • Email: huongnt11@ussh.edu.vn
  • Đơn vị công tác: Bộ môn Nhân học phát triển, Khoa Nhân học
  • Học hàm: Phó Giáo sư            Năm phong: 2022
  • Học vị: Tiến sĩ                         Năm nhận: 2011
  • Quá trình đào tạo:
2015-2017: Nghiên cứu sau tiến sĩ, Đại học Lund, Thụy Điển (Sweden)
2006-2011: Nghiên cứu sinh, Đại học Amsterdam, Hà Lan (The Netherlands)
2002-2004: Cao học, Đại học Amsterdam, Hà Lan (The Netherlands)
1996-2000: Cử nhân, Trường Đại học khoa học xã hội và nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội (Vietnam)
  • Trình độ ngoại ngữ: tiếng Anh
  • Hướng nghiên cứu chính: bình đẳng giới (gender equality); bạo lực giới (gendered violence); công nghệ (technology); nghiên cứu phát triển có tính phản biện (critical development studies): bao trùm xã hội (social inclusion), tính dễ bị tổn thương (vulnerability), đa dạng giới và tình dục (LGBTIQ+); thiên tai (natural disasters); biến đổi khí hậu (climate change); Đông Nam Á (Myanmar, Philippines, Vietnam).

II. Các công trình khoa học:
1. Sách (monograph)
  1. Taboos and Realities: Rape in Present-Day Vietnam, The Gioi Publishers, Hanoi, 2011

2. Chương sách (book chapters)
  1. Huong Thu Nguyen. “Gender Minority Health Vulnerabilities during COVID-19 Pandemic in Cross Southeast Asian Waters: The Cases of Vietnam and the Philippines.” In Pranee Liamputtong (ed) Handbook of Social Sciences and Global Public Health. Springer (in press)
  2. Helle Rydstrom, Huong Thu Nguyen, An Ngoc Hoang. “The LGBT Movement in Vietnam”. In Eva Hansson and Meredith Weiss (eds) Routledge Handbook of Civil Society in Southeast Asia. Routledge (in press)
  3. Huong Thu Nguyen, Helle Rydstrom. “Feminism in Vietnam: Women’s Studies, Gender Research, and Intersections”. In Jonathan London (ed) Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Vietnam. London: Routledge, 2023. Routledge Handbook of Contemporary Vietnam - 1st Edition - Jonathan D. Available for pre-order on July 8, 2022
  4. Huong Thu Nguyen. “In the wake of Haiyan: An Ethnographic Study on Gendered Vulnerability and Resilience as a Result of Climatic Catastrophes in the Philippines.” In Helle Rydstrom and Catarina Kinvall (Eds) Climate Hazards and Gendered Ramifications. London: Routledge, 2019, 230-248
  5. Mike Perkins, Louise Cotrel-Gibbons, Huong Thu Nguyen. “The Vietnamese police response to family based violence: The family unit under pressure”. In Diana Peterson and Julie Schroeder (Eds) International Response to Domestic Violence. London: Routledge, 2017, 147-164
  6. Nguyễn Thu Hương. “Nhân học giới ở Việt Nam kể từ sau Đổi mới”. Trong  Nguyễn Văn Sửu, Lâm Bá Nam & Nguyễn Văn Huy (cb) Nhân học ở Việt Nam: Một số vấn đề lịch sử, nghiên cứu và đào tạo, Hanoi: NXB Tri thức, 2016, 227-242
  7. Huong Thu Nguyen. ‘In the wake of Haiyan: Natural disasters, risks and responses seen from anthropological perspectives’, in Ngô Văn Lệ et al. Vietnam-Southeast Asia: Integration and Development. Vietnam National University of Hochiminh City, 2016, 568-578
  8. Huong Thu Nguyen. ‘The Red Seedlings of the Central Highlands’: Social Relatedness and Political   Integration of Select Ethnic Minority Groups in Post-War Vietnam’, in P. Taylor (ed.) Connected and Disconnected in Vietnam: Remaking Relations in a Post-socialist Nation. Canberra: ANU Press, 2016, 173-201 http://press.anu.edu.au/titles/vietnam-series/connected-and-disconnected-in-viet-nam/
  9. Tine Gammeltoft, Huong Thu Nguyen. ‘The Politics of Sexual Health in Vietnam.’ In Mark McLelland & Vera Mackie (eds) The Routledge Handbook of Sexuality Studies in East Asia. London: Routledge, 2015, 344-355
3. Bài báo khoa học (journal articles)
  1. Huong Thu Nguyen. “Mediating Gendered Bodies, Culture and Urban Spaces: The Case of Transgender Funeral Performance in Southern Vietnam”, Religion and Society (forthcoming)
  2. Huong Thu Nguyen “The case of Dạ Thảo Phương and Sexual Violence in Vietnam over the Past Two Decades”, Journal of Vietnamese Studies, 17 (4), 2022
  3. Nguyen Thu Huong. “Giới hóa nghèo ở Việt Nam từ góc nhìn xen kẽ” (Gendering poverty in Vietnam: An interstitial perspective), Tạp chí Dân tộc học, 1 (229), 2022, 34-47
  4. Nguyễn Thu Hương. “Thăm lại Hộ ở Việt Nam: lượng giá nghèo, các động thái nội bộ hộ gia đình và kinh tế học về giới’ (Revisiting Hộ in Vietnam: poverty measurements, intra-household dynamics and gender economics). Tạp chí Khoa học Xã hội 4, 2021, 78-90
  5. Huong Thu Nguyen. “From silicone ‘pumping’ and hormone injecting to sex reassignment surgery: the precarious road to becoming female of transgender funeral performers in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam”, Culture, Health and Sexuality 21 (9), 2019, 999-1011 DOI:10.1080/13691058.2018.1533144
  6. Huong Thu Nguyen. Gendered vulnerabilities in time of natural disasters: Male-to-Female violence in the Philippines in the aftermath of super Typhoon Haiyan. Violence Against Women, 25 (4), 2019, 421-440 doi.org/10.1177/1077801218790701, https://twitter.com/VAWJournalhttps://www.facebook.com/VAWJournal
  7. Huong Thu Nguyen, Helle Rydstrom. Men’s Infliction of Harm upon Women in the Philippines and Vietnam. Women’s Studies International Forum 71 (November–December), 2018, 56-62.https://authors.elsevier.com/c/1Xy5C-6kqPaJ1
  8. Huong Thu Nguyen, Tine Gammeltoft. A combination of imagination and observation: Medical anthropology in Vietnam since the 1990s. American Anthropologist, Special Section on World Medical Anthropologies. 2018, 570-573. DOI: 10.1111/aman.13098.  https://rdcu.be/59Gs.
  9. Nguyễn Thu Hương. “Diễn ngôn đa dạng giới và tính dục tại Việt Nam: Mối giao thoa của lịch sử, văn hóa và thiết chế” (Discourses on gender and sexual diversity in Vietnam: The intersection of history, culture and institutions). Tạp chí Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, 4 (1), 2018, 34-47
  10. Huong Thu Nguyen. “Navigating identity, ethnicity, and politics: A case study of gender variance in the Central Highlands of Vietnam”, NORMA: International Journal for Masculinity Studies, 11 (4), 255-269 https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/18902138.2016.1259845
  11. Huong Thu Nguyen. “Hội nhập Giới sau 30 năm Đổi mới: Tổng quan nghiên cứu và đào tạo Nhân học Giới tại Việt Nam” (Gender integration after 30 years of Doi Moi: Literature review for research and training in the anthropology of gender in Vietnam). Tạp chí Dân tộc học 4, 2016, 14-23
  12. Huong Thu Nguyen. “Gender Crossing in Vietnam: Benennung, Identität, und die Frage der Anerkennung” [Gender Crossing in Vietnam: Naming, Identification, and the Question of Recognition] Südostasien, Spring issue, 2016
  13. Huong Thu Nguyen. “At the Intersection of Gender, Sexuality, and Politics: The Disposition of Rape Cases among some Ethnic Minority Groups of Northern Vietnam”, Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia, 28 (1), 2013, 132-51. https://www.jstor.org/stable/pdf/43186949.pdf
  14. Huong Thu Nguyen. “Whose Weapons? Representations of Rape in the Print Media in Modern Vietnam”, Journal of Vietnamese Studies, 7 (2), 2012, 29-66. DOI: 10.1525/vs.2012.7.2.29. http://vs.ucpress.edu/content/7/2/29
  15. Huong Thu Nguyen. “Rape Disclosures: The Interplay of Gender, Culture and Kinship in Contemporary Vietnam”, Culture, Health and Sexuality: An International Journal for Research, Intervention and Care (Special Volume on ‘Secrecy as Embodied Practice’), 14 (1), 2012, S39-S52.  https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13691058.2012.675516
  16. Huong Thu Nguyen. “Anthropology ‘At Home’ Through the Lens of Intersubjectivity: Counter Transference While Interviewing A ‘Vulnerable’ Vietnamese Woman”, Medische Antropologie (special issue on ‘Intersubjectivity’), 2007, 23-38.
  17. Huong Thu Nguyen, Frances Gouda. H-France Review, 7, 54, 2007. Anne Raffin, Youth Mobilization in Vichy Indochina and its Legacies, 1940-1970. Lanham, Maryland: Lexington Books, 2005.
  18. Huong Thu Nguyen. Rape in Vietnam from Socio-Cultural and Historical Perspectives, Journal of Asian History 40 (2), 2006, 185-206. https://www.jstor.org/stable/41933447.
  19. Hyun, Mia and Huong Thu Nguyen. The Political Economy of Violence Against Women in Myanmar Garment Industry: Government, Civic and the Private Sector Responses. Invited contribution to the Special Issue for Global Political Economy Journal.
  20.  Hill, Annette, Helle Rydstrom, Huong Thu Nguyen. Social Media, Covid-19 and Social Resilience in Vietnam.
4. Tham luận hội thảo khoa học (conference papers, presentations, posters…)
  1. ‘The Legalities of Disaster Victim Identification across Southeast Asian Waters: The Cases of Vietnam and the Philippines’. Invited paper for presentation at the workshop on Inter-Asian Legalities, 12-14 January 2023, Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore.
  2. Anthropological Approaches to Disability, Assistive Technology, and Corporealisation: An Overview’. Invited paper for plenary speak at the national conference, 16 December 2022, University of Da Nang. Co-author: Tine Gammeltoft.
  3. Social aspects of a Net Zero strategy in Vietnam”, post-GEMMES Vietnam workshop, hosted by AFD, June 23, 2022, Hanoi
  4. ‘The Triple Crisis of Vulnerability: Gendered Violence, Climate Catastrophes and COVID-19 in Asia’. Invited paper for presentation at the 2021 Asia Culture Center International Academic Conference on Asia Cultural Research, 25-26 November, 2021, Korea. Co-author: Helle Rydstrom
  5. Gendering poverty in Vietnam: An interstitial perspective’. Invited paper for presentation at the international conference on Development from Below organized by the Institute of Anthropology of Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, 10 September 2021, Hanoi
  6. ‘Leaving No One Behind’: NGOs Fighting for LGBTQI Recognition, Equity, and Inclusion in Vietnam. Invited contribution to the Workshop on Civil Society in Southeast Asia hosted by the Stockholm University, Sweden, 16-17 August 2021. Co-author: Helle Rydstrom, An Ngoc Hoang
  7. ‘Queering death rites: Transgender funeral performance as a context for understanding the politics of cultural governance in Southern Vietnam’. Invited paper for presentation at the International conference on Urban Religion, Gender and the Body, 25-26 January 2021, organized by the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore
  8. ‘Thăm lại Hộ ở Việt Nam: phản tư Nhân học với lượng giá nghèo, các động thái nội bộ hộ gia đình và kinh tế học về giới’ (Revisiting Hộ in Vietnam: anthropological reflections on poverty measurements, intra-household dynamics and gender economics). Invited paper for presentation at the International conference on ‘Anthropology and Development’, 16 December 2020 organized by IRD & USSH, VNU, Hanoi.
  9. The Heterogeneities of Families in Globalized Vietnam: Intimacies, Gender, and Parenthood’. Conference on: The Family in Modern and Global Societies: Persistence and Change Vietnam Sociological Association (VSA), October 17-19, 2019, Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences. Coauthors: Helle Rydstrom and An Hoang
  10. ‘Rise of the machines versus Risks for the marginalized: Automation, Unemployment and Vietnam’s Ethnic Minorities in the Fourth Industrial Revolution.’ Invited paper for presentation at the Conference on Aspirations for Change 4.0: Critical Perspectives from Southeast Asia, 28-29 May 2019, University of Zurich
  11. ‘Climate Disaster, Gender, and Violence: Men’s Infliction of Harm upon Women in the Philippines and Vietnam’. Accepted for presentation at the panel Disruptive Elements: Recurring Disasters and Gendered Lives in Asia, the Fourth Northern European Conference on Emergency and Disaster Studies (NEEDS), June 10-12, 2019, Uppsala University, Sweden. Coauthor: Helle Rydstrom
  12. ‘Seeds of Change and Rays of Hope in the Philippines and Vietnam: Towards Gender  Mainstreaming in Agricultural Diversification in a Cross Southeast Asian Perspective’. Poster presentation at the Annual Scientific Conference Seeds of Change, 2nd to 4th April, 2019, Australia­­­n Centre for Agricultural Research, CGIAR Collaborative Platform for Gender Research, University of Canberra
  13.   ‘Vulnerabilities, Precariousness, and Humanitarianism in the Philippines in the wake of Typhoon Haiyan’. Paper presented at the panel #3 “Arenas of Vulnerabilities, Interventions, and Humanitarianism,” the SANT/FAS conference April 19-21, 2018, Uppsala, Sweden
  14.  ‘Gendered Vulnerability, Climate Disasters, and Male-to-Female Violence in the Philippines and Vietnam’. Paper (co-) presented at the panel #12 ‘Feminist Anthropology Exploring the Ambiguity of Vulnerability’, the SANT/FAS conference April 19-21, 2018, Uppsala, Sweden. Co-author: Helle Rydstrom
  15. ‘Queering Death Rites: Cultural Legacy, Identities and Rights among Transsexual Funeral Performers in Southern Vietnam ’. Paper presented at the Seminar on “Frontiers of Gender Studies in Asia”, organized by the Gender Equality Promotion Committee, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Kyoto University, February 2, 2018. https://en.kyoto.cseas.kyoto-u.ac.jp/gender-equality-promotion-committee/
  16.  ‘Những thổ dân da trắng’: Tổng quan tình hình kinh tế - xã hội, chính sách về dân tộc Sami ở các nước Bắc Âu (The White Indians: An overview of socio-economic, policies on the Sami in the Nordic countries). Invited paper for the conference on State management on ethnic minority affairs in selected European countries: Lessons learned for Vietnam jointly organized by Central Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs and Vietnam Academy of Social Sciences, January 23, 2019, Hanoi. Co-author: Tran Thi Thuy Binh
  17. ‘Unpacking the Anthropology of Gender in Vietnam: Globalization versus Particularization’. Paper presented at the International conference on ‘Two decades of globalizing social sciences – concepts, strategies, achievements’, co-organized by the World Social Science and Humanities Network and Vietnam National University, Hanoi, January 18-19, 2018
  18. ‘Navigating Identity, Ethnicity, and Politics: Case Studies of Non-Binary Gender in Vietnam’s Central Highlands’. Paper presented at the international conference on “Non-Binary Identities, Bodies and Discourses” held by the School of Sociology and Social Policy, University of Leeds, UK, March 22, 2016
  19.  ‘Gendered Climate Injustice: Catastrophe, Precariousness, and Male-to-Female Violence in the Philippines and Vietnam’. Paper presented at the International conference on “Disaster justice in Anthropocene Asia and the Pacific” organized by the Asia Research Institute, National University of Singapore, November 17-18, 2016. Coauthor: Helle Rydstrom
  20. ‘Navigating identity, ethnicity, and politics: A case study of gender variance in the Central Highlands of Vietnam.’ Paper presented at the G16 conference on Boundaries, Mobility and Mobilization, Linkoping, Sweden, November 23-25, 2016
  21. ‘In the wake of Haiyan’: An Ethnographic Study on Loss, Melancholy, and Frustration as a result of Climatic Catastrophe in the Philippines. Paper presented at the plenary session of the International Conference on ‘Vietnam and Southeast Asia: Integration and Development’, Phu Yen, Vietnam, December 5-6, 2015
  22. ‘Gendered Ruination in the Philippines and Vietnam: Climate Change, (In)Security, and Violence in a Cross-Southeast Asian Perspective’ (co-author with Helle Rydstrom). Paper presented at the panel on Transforming the Environment—Transforming Gender Relations? Women, Men, and Environmental Change in Southeast Asia. EuroSEAS, Vienna, Austeria, August 11-14, 2015
  23. ‘On display: The Interweaving of rituals, identities and commodities in the practice of transgender funeral performers in Southern Vietnam.’ Paper presented at the International Workshop on Religious Pluralism, Magic and Gender/Sex Diversity in Southeast Asia, Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, January 22-25, 2015
  24. ‘The red seedlings’ of the Central Highlands: The social relatedness and political integration of selected ethnic minority groups in post-war Vietnam”. Paper presented at the 2014 Vietnam Update Conference held at the Australia National University, Canberra, Australia, December 1-2, 2014
  25. ‘Cultural Legacy and Transgendering in Vietnam’. Paper presented at the International Berkshire Conference on Women’s History, May 22-25, 2014, Toronto, Canada
  26. ‘Women of Disabilities Desiring Children: Intersectionality of Disability, Motherhood and Gender Politics in Post-war Vietnam.’ Paper presented at the International Conference on Populations, Health and Medicines in Developing Countries: The case of Vietnam from the 18th century to present (co-organized by Justus-Liebig University, University of Giessen, and Vietnam National University), November 1-2, 2013, Hanoi, Vietnam
  27. ‘The Uplands Catching Up With The Lowlands? Reflections on Discourses on Socio-Cultural Growth of Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam’s Central Highlands’. Paper presented at the panel, entitled: Cultural Growth: Asian Perspective of Civilization of the Conference ‘Growth: Critical Perspectives from Asia’, June 13-14, 2013, Copenhagen, Denmark
  28. ‘Cultural Legacy and Transgendering in Vietnam.’ Paper presented at the forum on ‘Plural Identities: State and Globalization’ organized by SEASREP Foundation, December 3-4, 2012, Manila, the Philippines
  29. ‘A Multiple Lens: Making a Critical Sense of Human Resource Development of Ethnic Minorities in Vietnam.’ Paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Vietnamese Studies. November 26-28, 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam
  30. ‘Rethinking Gender Relations among Vietnam’s Central Highlanders: Within and Beyond the Household.’ Paper presented at the international conference on Inequality, Conflict and Political Regimes in East and Southeast Asian Countries co-organized by Stockholm University and Vietnam National University, November 22-24, 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam
  31. ‘‘Gender Crossing in Vietnam: Yesterday and Today.’ Paper presented at the international conference Future Directions in Southeast Asian Studies co-organized by Leiden University, Australia National University and Vietnam National University of Hanoi, March 8-10, 2012, Hanoi, Vietnam
  32. ‘Mediating East-West Variations of Autonomy: Case Studies of Raped Women in Vietnam.’ Paper presented at the 3rd International conference Engaging with Vietnam: An Interdisciplinary Dialogue, co-organized by Monash University and University of Social Sciences and Humanities, December 4-5, 2011, Hanoi, Vietnam
  33. ‘Rape: A Matter of Private Prosecution? The Interface of Gender, Sexuality, and Politics in Dealing with Rape Cases among Ethnic Minorities of Northern Vietnam.’ Paper presented at the international conference Localizing Global Justice: Rethinking Law and Human Rights in Southeast Asia, November 4-5, 2011, Columbia University, New York City, USA
  34. ‘Demyth-ifying a ‘Free-Love’ Culture: Rethinking Premarital Sex, Rape and Marriage among the Youth of Some Ethnic Minorities in Northern Vietnam.’ Paper presented at the Workshop on Youth, Risk, and Sexuality in Vietnam and India: Educational concerns,” co-organized by Lund University and the Vietnam National Institute for Educational Sciences, July 5, 2011, Hanoi, Vietnam
  35. Tackling taboos: Methodological approaches in researching rape in Vietnam. Paper presented at the International Conference on the Anthropology of Vietnam. December 15-18, 2007, Binh Duong, Vietnam
  36. ‘Negotiating Cultural Diversity. The case of Muslim radicalization in the present-day Netherlands.’ Paper presented at the Asia-Pacific Youth Forum organized by the Japan Foundation and Okinawa Prefectural Government. January 15-24, 2006, Okinawa, Japan
  37.  ‘Adopting across the color-line: a case study of Vietnamese-American transracial adoption.’ Paper presented at the 11th annual meeting of the National Council on Family Relations, Phoenix, AZ. (USA): November 16-19, 2005
  38. ‘A great loss of one’s own worth. The traumatic experiences of rape survivors in Vietnam.’ Paper presented at the 5th IASSCS (International Association for the Study of Sexuality, Culture, and Society) conference, San Francisco, CA. (USA): June 21-24. Abstract in Culture, Heath and Sexuality (Supplement), June 2005.
III. Các đề tài KH&CN các cấp (research projects)
  1. Climate Disasters and Gendered Violence in Asia: A Study on the Vulnerability and (In)Security of Women and Girls in the Aftermath of Recent Catastrophes in Pakistan, the Philippines, and Vietnam, E0385801, Swedish Research Council, Thụy Điển, 2015-2020,  chủ trì hợp phần nghiên cứu ở Phi-líp-pin (principal investigator in the Philippine study)
  2. Nghiên cứu đánh giá tác động xã hội của hiện tượng người chuyển giới thực hành trình diễn trong tang lễ tại Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh, QG.17.05, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội, 2017-2019, chủ nhiệm đề tài (project lead)
  3. Social Perceptions and Judicial Representations of Rape: The Cases of Vietnam and the Philippines, 2013-EY-12, SEASREP Foundation, 2014-2015, chủ nhiệm đề tài (project lead)
  4. Nghiên cứu trường hợp về sự tham gia của phụ nữ dân tộc thiểu số trong các tổ chức công tại Kon Tum, Dự án “Nâng cao năng lực lãnh đạo của cán bộ nữ phục vụ triển khai hội nhập quốc tế” (EOWP), UNDP & Bộ Ngoại giao Việt Nam, 2012, chủ nhiệm đề tài (project lead)
  5. Publication of “Taboo and Realities: Rape in Present-Day Vietnam” D10-SC-001, The Toyota Foundation, 2011, chủ nhiệm đề tài (project lead)
  6. Sexual Assault: Case Study of Rape in Present-Day Vietnam from a Socio - Cultural and Gender Perspective D04-I-037, The Toyota Foundation, 2004-2006, chủ nhiệm đề tài (project lead)

Một số báo cáo nghiên cứu phát triển, tư vấn chính sách (selected development research)
  1. Mekong Development Research Institute, Oxfam. Research Report on the Impacts of Climate Change and Disasters on Multidimensional Inequality in Vietnam, 2022. Qualitative Lead
  2. Mekong Development Research Institute, UN Women, GIZ. Study on the Gendered Impacts of Climate Change and Disasters in Vietnam, 2022, Qualitative Lead
  3. The Asia Foundation, DFAT, BPP and VBSP. Impact Study – A Case Study Approach: Mobile Banking – Financial Inclusion and Economic Empowerment for the Low-Income Population and Women in Vietnam, 2020, Team Lead https://asiafoundation.org/publication/mobile-banking-financial-inclusion-and-economic-empowerment-for-the-low-income-population-and-women-in-vietnam/

Một số hoạt động nghề nghiệp gần đây (recently voluntary professional services)
  1. Vietnam International Academic Networks (VIAN), Indiana University, USA. “Partnership for Higher Education Reform) funded by USAID (2022-2026), VIAN Anthropology and Culture Focal Point (USSH, VNU-Hanoi)
  2. University College Dublin, Ireland. “ERASMUS+ International Credit Mobility Programme – funded by European Commission” (2019-2022), Academic Lead in Vietnam
Manuscript peer-review: American Ethnologist; American Anthropologist; The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute; The Lancet Planetary Health; Culture, Health and Sexuality; Journal of Human Rights Practices; Violence Against Women; Journal of Global Buddhism; Regional Journal of Southeast Asian Studies; Sojourn: Journal of Social Issues in Southeast Asia


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