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Hybrid Communities in Southeast Asia: Identity Formation, Evolution and Transformation

Thứ hai - 27/06/2016 03:54

The SEASREP Foundation invites scholars from Southeast Asia to participate in the research project leading to a publication on “Hybrid Communities in Southeast Asia: Identity Formation, Evolution and Transformation”. For details, please see the attached call for papers.

Deadline of submission of concept notes: 15 July 2016 to seasrep@pldtdsl.net

Date and venue of workshop: 16-17 March 2017 in Bangkok, Thailand. SEASREP will provide for the participants’ budget airfare, accommodation, and meals during the workshop.

For inquiries, write the project coordinator, Dr. Danny Wong Tze Ken at dwongtk@gmail.com or dannyw@um.edu.my

CfP Hybrid Communities:

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