The seminar was held as part of the Fourth Congress (2023-2028) of the Business Association of Overseas Vietnamese, which was held from January 26 to 27, 2024, in Ho Chi Minh City. The seminar was attended by outstanding Vietnamese entrepreneurs and business associations representing 40 countries and territories, as well as over 100 delegates from the Communist Party of Vietnam, the government, ministries, departments, localities, foreign diplomatic missions in Ho Chi Minh City, and partner organizations of the association.
The seminar was a forum for bringing together three groups: entrepreneurs, journalists, and government officials, and academics, to discuss the current state of brand building by enterprises in the media. The goal was to propose strategic solutions for positioning Vietnamese enterprise brands in the real world and in the media environment of Vietnam and the world.

Speakers at Session 1: The Current State of the Issue of Brand Positioning of Vietnamese Enterprises in Domestic and International Media
Assoc. Prof, DR. Hoang Van Nghia - Director of the International Cooperation Department, the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics
According to businessman Duong Chi Kien, CEO of Golden Age Group, Russia, Vietnamese people living abroad have always shown courage, fearlessness, dynamism, and alertness. They have developed many businesses in countries around the world. It is these Vietnamese people, along with domestic and international media outlets, who have made a significant contribution to promoting the Vietnamese brand around the world.
The seminar was divided into two sessions with the participation of researchers, Vietnamese entrepreneurs in Vietnam and in countries around the world. In the first session, with the theme "The Current State of the Issue of Brand Positioning of Vietnamese Enterprises in Domestic and International Media," representatives from several enterprises shared valuable information about their brand positioning.
Dr. Nguyen Thanh My said that domestic media is very supportive of businesses in developing their brands.
Dr. Nguyen Thanh My, Chairman of the Board of Directors of RYNAN Holdings JSC and MyLan Group, shared her practical experience in enterprise brand development. She said that businesses need to have good products that win the hearts of consumers in order to be effective in their communications. In Vietnam, the media channels, especially the official government media channels, have been interested in and supported foreign enterprises in developing their brands in Vietnam and among Vietnamese overseas.
The guests at the second session on solutions and strategies for positioning Vietnamese enterprise brands on global media
The second session of the seminar focused on solutions and strategies for positioning Vietnamese enterprise brands on global media. Digital transformation and a sustainable development strategy that balances the economy and the environment were the issues that the speakers focused on in the second session of the seminar.
Dr. Phan Van Kien, Director of the Institute of Journalism and Communication, VNU-USSH, at the seminar
Dr. Phan Van Kien, Director of the Institute of Journalism and Communication, VNU-USSH, said that brand positioning is a matter of survival for businesses today in the context of globalization. Brand positioning is a process that needs to be set out from the early stages and implemented continuously throughout the stages of the enterprise's development.
In the digital space today, customers are no longer limited to a geographical area but are global, which poses a challenge for businesses in how to reach markets and develop their brands.
Researchers and entrepreneurs emphasized that businesses that growth in the context of strong digital transformation need to break through in their thinking and approach.
With the exchanges of speakers from Vietnam and abroad, the event opened up a new direction of cooperation, linkage, research, and development between VNU-USSH, BAOOV, Vietnamese organizations and businesses in other countries, as well as government agencies in Vietnam. The scope is not limited to the issue of building and positioning brands for Vietnamese overseas businesses, but also expanded to the contribution to the Vietnamese government agencies in positioning the national brand on global media.
Business Association of Overseas Vietnamese (BAOOV) was established in accordance with Decision No. 273/2009/QD-BNV dated March 13, 2009, of the Ministry of Home Affairs. The association is a professional social organization of the Vietnamese business community and entrepreneurs abroad with the purpose of "cooperation, sharing information between businesses, entrepreneurs, and business organizations in and out of the country, thereby promoting cooperation in the fields of economy, trade, science, and technology, contributing to the cause of socio-economic development of the country.
"From 2009 to the present, through the three congresses, the association has built a network of members in 40 countries and territories, affirming their position as the center of solidarity of Vietnamese business associations and chapters around the world, a bridge for cooperation, promoting trade and investment between Vietnamese entrepreneurs and businesses abroad; foreign businesses and partners with domestic businesses and entrepreneurs. This has become a "non-detachable part and a resource of the Vietnamese community" in the process of building and developing the country.
Following the implementation of Decision No. 1334/QĐ-TTg dated November 11, 2023, of the Prime Minister: Approving the Project "Empowering the Resources of Vietnamese Overseas People to Serve the Development of the Country in the New Situation", with development in the new situation", with the motto "Innovation - Unity - Creativity and sustainable development", the Business Association of Overseas Vietnamese hopes to increase the participation of delegates from the Vietnamese business community.
Thereby expanding the businesses in Vietnam and overseas Vietnamese, and government agencies to carry out activities to connect businesses, organizations, and associations of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in and outside the country, establish cooperation relations with localities, and organizations in and outside the country, create the strength of the Vietnamese business community in general and overseas Vietnamese entrepreneurs in particular in the cause of building a strong country."