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VNU-USSH strengthens connections with partners in northeastern Thailand

Friday - 24/11/2023 03:36
November 17 - 18, 2023, within the framework of a business trip to Thailand, Prof.Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan - Rector of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities (VNU-USSH) visited and held meetings with partners in Udon Thani Province, Northeastern region of the Kingdom of Thailand.
Visiting Udon Thani Royal University on November 17, Rector Hoang Anh Tuan discussed and agreed with Rector Khanisara Thansunthornsakun on a plan to strengthen cooperation between the two universities in the fields of student exchange, credits recognition and establish potential joint training programs. In particular, both sides agreed to implement several joint research and publishing activities based on the advantages of scientific human resources of the two units, focusing on several key areas such as Tourism Studies, International Studies, Thai language and Vietnamese...
Upon agreement, the two universities will sign a comprehensive cooperation document within the framework of Rector Khanisara Thansunthornsakun's visit to Hanoi in December 2023.
The Rector of the two universities exchanged bilateral cooperation contents
On the same day, Prof.Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan visited and discussed with experts from the recently established Vietnamese Studies Center of Udon Thani University. Rector Hoang Anh Tuan pledged to support professional resources such as educational materials and experts for the Center’s sustainable development in the coming time.
Rector Hoang Anh Tuan taking photos with Dr. Songpon, Director of the Center for Vietnamese Studies
On November 18, Prof.Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan visited the President Ho Chi Minh Monument in Udon Thani province, Thailand. Speaking to overseas Vietnamese from many countries, Rector Hoang Anh Tuan emphasized: "President Ho was especially invested in overseas Vietnamese because they had to live far from their homeland, but deep in our core we all share the same blood as the descendants of Hung King. We shall forever remember the event in January 1960 when President Ho welcomed overseas Vietnamese returning from Thailand to fight in the resistance war. It must be said that in caring for overseas Vietnamese, President Ho paid special attention to overseas Vietnamese living in Thailand and other countries in the Indochina region."
Rector Hoang Anh Tuan discussed during a meeting at the President Ho Chi Minh Monument in Udon Thani province
Prof.Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan emphasized: "The Vietnamese government today always affirms that overseas Vietnamese are part of the Vietnamese ethnic community, an important factor in strengthening cooperative and friendly relations with other countries. The Government wants overseas Vietnamese to uphold the spirit of self-respect and national pride and preserve Vietnamese cultural identity and national traditions.
To love and unite together, spreading Vietnamese culture and virtues globally, all the while respecting and honoring the cultures and virtues of countries and peoples around the world... just as President Ho taught us in the old days."
Rector Hoang Anh Tuan, on behalf of the overseas Vietnamese community in Laos, and Ms. Pham Thi Minh Huong (Director of the Vietnamese National Day Project in Laos) awarded a sponsorship amount of 350,000 Baht to support the construction of the Vietnamese Cultural Center in Laos, Udon Thani Province. This event was witnessed by Ambassador Phan Chi Thanh and Mr. Nguyen Manh Dong, Deputy Chairman of the State Committee for Overseas Vietnamese, Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
See more:
Information on the Rajabhat Udon Thani University website

Author: USSH Media

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