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VNU-USSH and Guangxi University (China) promote cooperation in training and research in the fields of philosophy and political science

Monday - 29/01/2024 05:05
On January 24, 2024, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Dao Thanh Truong, Vice-Rector of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities had a meeting with the Delegation of the Institute of Marxism, Guangxi University, China - Represented by Associate Professor Dr. Luong Kien Tan - Deputy Director and members of the delegation.
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Overview of the session between the University of Social Sciences and Humanities and the Institute of Marxism, Guangxi University (China)
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Delegation of the Institute of Marxism, Guangxi University (China)
On behalf of the board of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vice-Rector Dao Thanh Truong warmly welcomed the delegation of the Institute of Marxism, Guangxi University who visited and worked with the University. Sharing about the University's achievements and strengths, Vice-Rector Dao Thanh Truong emphasized: With the position as Vietnam's leading unit in research and training in the field of Social Sciences and Humanities, VNU-USSH has had a strong relationship with more than 200 major universities and research institutes around the world. 
Over the past many years, VNU-USSH and universities in China in general have become reliable partners, coordinating and effectively implementing many activities in training, scientific research, and academic translation. Philosophy and politics are fields with a long history at the University and are among the few institutions that provide systematic, in-depth training in philosophy and politics from bachelor's to doctoral levels. Therefore, VNU-USSH is always ready and wishes to promote deeper cooperation in fields where both sides benefit.
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Listening to the discussions from representatives of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Luong Kien Tan was pleased to see that the two sides had many similarities and shared interests in many issues of philosophy, political science, and ideological foundation. Therefore, the Institute of Marxism wished to promote cooperation with the University in several areas: exchanging lecturers to improve professional qualifications and teacher training; student exchange; Implementing research projects on general topics; and organizing scientific conferences. Cooperation contents need to have specific goals and roadmaps to ensure feasibility and bring practical results.
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Assoc.Prof.Dr. Luong Kien Tan was very pleased with the proposals from the University's leadership and affirmed his desire to promote cooperation in 2024.
Representatives of the Faculty of Philosophy, Dr. Pham Hoang Giang, PhD. Tran Thi Dieu shares information about the staffs, research capacity, and scientific topics that are of interest for both sides. From there, it is affirmed that the Faculty of Philosophy has enough human resources to undertake short-term training courses for postgraduate students in philosophy, scientific socialism, etc.
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Based on the specific discussions of the delegates of both sides, Associate Professor, Dr. Dao Thanh Truong concluded and emphasized several contents to promote cooperation between the both sides in 2024:
- Exchange lecturers and students, and organize training classes for lecturers teaching Marxism, philosophy, and political ideology.
- Actively support lecturers and researchers to publish scientific works and publications in the scientific journals of the two universities.
- Coordinate the implementation of research projects on the topics: Building the China-ASEAN community; state management and building the ruling party in the current context of digital transformation; cultural exchange and global citizenship education; building Marxism in the China-ASEAN community;
- Research on current economic, cultural, social and environmental challenges of China, Vietnam and other countries in the region.
- In 2024, the bothsides will coordinate to organize an international conference. The Faculty of Philosophy will be the focal point for unified communication with the Institute of Marxism, Guangxi University on the specific content of the conference to have the best preparations.
At the end of the meeting, delegates from both sides exchanged gifts and took commemorative photos:
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Author: Hạnh Quỳnh - USSH Media. Translator: Đại Hữu

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