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Exchange and cooperation in the translation and publishing of literary and historical books between VNU-USSH and partners from the Russian Federation

Wednesday - 11/10/2023 20:37
On October 9, 2023, at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Vietnam National University Hanoi (VNU-USSH), a reception for the Russian Federation's Writers' Delegation took place led by Mr. Evgeny Reznichenko, Executive Director of the Institute of Translation.
Attending the meeting were Assoc.Prof.Dr. Dao Thanh Truong - Vice Rector; heads of the Cooperation and Development, Scientific Research Management Department and representatives of the Faculty of Literature.
In his opening speech Assoc.Prof.Dr. Dao Thanh Truong sent his warmest welcome to the Russian Federation's Writers' Delegation taking the time to visit VNU – USSH and introducing students and lecturers to a variety of valuable literature materials.
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Assoc.Prof.Dr. Dao Thanh Truong at the reception of the Russian Federation Writers Delegation visiting the University of Social Sciences and Humanities
Vice-Rector Dao Thanh Truong shared: The University of Social Sciences and Humanities and the Faculty of Literature have a long history, where many great writers and politicians have been trained for the country. General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong and current Minister of Education and Training of Vietnam Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Kim Son were once students of the Faculty. In the Faculty's training and research programs, in Russia, the culture and literature are always given special attention. For many years, the University of Social Sciences and Humanities has had amicable, open and effective cooperation with many universities, educational organizations, and research institutes of the Russian Federation. The visit of the Russian Federation's Writers' Delegation today marks the starting of a closer relationship.

Mr. Evgeny Reznichenko, Head of the Russian Federation's Writers' Delegation, sent his thanks for the warm and friendly welcome of the University's Board of Directors and expressed his admiration for the University's Traditional Room. “We are mesmerized by the long historical tradition and achievements you have achieved over the past nearly 80 years, affirming your position as not only the leading training and research center in Social Sciences and Humanities in Vietnam but also has a high reputation regionally and internationally.”
“The University’s Literature Department having its own research department on foreign literature, including Russian Literature makes us very happy. Therefore, we hope that through this meeting, not only will we introduce valuable articles of Russian literature, but both sides can develop more cooperation in the fields of translation and publication, for students and lecturers of the University" - Mr. Evgeny Reznichenko emphasized.
Trưởng đoàn Nhà văn Liên bang Nga phát biểu tại buổi gặp gỡ VNU-USSH
Head of the Russian Federation's Writers' Delegation expressed his thanks when interacting with lecturers and students of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities.
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Within the framework of the meeting, two authors, Mr. Afanasy Mamedov and Ms. Anna Esparsa, introduced to a large number of lecturers and students of the University two historical literary works: the novel " Babylon Ship " and the book " Secrets and Heroes of the Century. Unpublished Paris archives”.
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Writer Afanasy Mamedov is the author of the novel " Babylon Ship " and cultural scientist and historian Anna Esparsa is the author of the book " Secrets and Heroes of the Century. Unpublished Paris Archives”.
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Afanasy Mamedov is a writer, journalist, literary critic, and a member of the Moscow Writers' Union and the Russian PEN Center. He is the author of many famous books in Russia: the novels "The Khazar Wind" (Khazarskiy Veter), "The Scar" (Frau Shram), "Roman Aristocrats: novel number one hundred". The book "Babylon Ship" (Parokhod Babelon) written in 2021 and 2022 was shortlisted for the National Literary Award "Big Book". The novel "Babylon Ship" was inspired by the true story of his own family, with recorded memoirs of family members living in Russia in the 20s of the twentieth century. Based on real historical details, he combined them with literature to make historical stories more attractive and closer to readers, especially young readers.
Anna Esparsa — a doctorate in history and cultural studies. Graduating from the Faculty of History of Moscow State University, Anna Esparsa is editor-in-chief and co-author of television documentary projects with Eduard Radzinsky, historical consultant and author of ideas for festivals and major exhibitions in Moscow as well as internationally; author of many documentary film projects and large historical book series. During the meeting with lecturers and students of VNU-USSH, Anna Esparza shared an interesting story about her approach to the KOIIIKO family archives and the idea of creating the book “Secrets and Heroes of the Century. Unpublished Paris Archives”. She was wholeheartedly taken back by the precious archive of a family (who lived in Soviet Russia in the years after the Russian October Revolution, then emigrated to France) that contained a lot of information about the history of a country or nation. That motivated her to publish it so that she could introduce that precious material to the Russian public and to the world. The book is truly a valuable historical documentary, a big feat for the new generation's understanding of Russia before the World War.
Speaking at the meeting, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Pham Xuan Thach expressed his great gratitude to the great Russian cultural scholars, historical researchers, and literary authors who visited and brought priceless materials from Russia to The Faculty of Literature. These books will be valuable documents for Vietnamese readers, especially young readers, to have more valuable insights into Russia in many historical periods.
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Delegates from both sides also exchanged their experiences in conveying true historical stories to the public in the closest way, especially the young audience. Ms. Anna Esparsa, with experience as a historical researcher but having participated in many major Russian film and publishing projects, shared: there is a need for media such as theater, cinema, and literary creation in order to convey historical content and stories in addition to traditional historical writing.
Afanasy Mamedov also shared more about how to combine literary fiction and historical core to create literary works that are both realistic but still very relatable and inviting.
At the end of the meeting, on behalf of the School's Board of Directors, Assoc.Prof.Dr. Dao Thanh Truong once again thanked the Russian writers for visiting and donating books to the University and shared many valuable insights about history, and Russian literature. In the coming time, the University of Social Sciences and Humanities hopes to continue to receive the attention and cooperation of the Translation Institute, the Moscow Writers' Association, as well as individual writers and researchers of the Russian Federation.
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Tiếp đoàn Nhà văn Nga 1
Assoc.Prof.Dr. Dao Thanh Truong and the Writers' Union of the Russian Federation

Author: Hạnh Quỳnh - USSH Media. Translator: Đại Hữu

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