On the university side, there was the participation of Prof. Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan - Rector of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, MA. Luong Ngoc Vinh - Deputy Head of Cooperation and Development Department; Dr. Nguyen Vu Hoang - Deputy Head of the Faculty of Anthropology and Assoc.Prof.Dr. Nguyen Thu Huong - Lecturer of the Department of Anthropology.
On the representative side of the Australian Volunteers Program were Mr. David Sharman-Selvidge - Representative of the Australian Volunteer Program and Dr. Annie Hilsdon - Volunteer expert.
At the meeting, Prof.Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan emphasized: With the mission of leading in training high-quality human resources; as well as a long tradition and a leading position in research and training in social sciences and humanities in Vietnam, VNU-USSH always attaches great importance to strengthening cooperation with international educational and research organizations. , prestigious scientists in the world. Currently, with a total of nearly 600 staff and lecturers - the University's scientific human resources have great potential in international research and training cooperation, with about 70% of lecturers holding doctorate degrees and over 27% of lecturers having achieved the title of Professor and Associate Professor.

According to Prof.Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan shared that, with the goal of strengthening international integration, the USSH has cooperated with many academic training and research institutions around the world. In particular, with the post-COVID-19 recovery period, the parties are strongly promoting cooperation, ensuring effectiveness and mutual benefits. In this regard, Prof.Dr. Hoang Anh Tuan believes that the cooperation between the University of Social Sciences and Humanities and the Australian Volunteers Program will bring many opportunities in training and scientific research, cooperation in exchange of students, lecturers, international publishing and conference organization.

Responding to the warm welcome from the VNU-USSH, Mr. David Sharman-Selvidge - Representative of the Australian Volunteer Program shared: USSH is one of the leading partners thanks to its in-depth research with diversified contents and new research directions. In addition to focusing on and promoting the elements of Gender Equality and Gender Empowerment in research and teaching, the University of Social Sciences and Humanities is known as a leading unit in applying new and appropriate teaching elements, corresponding to the progressive trends in the world. In the near future, Dr. Annie Hilsdon will work for about 1 year at the Department of Anthropology at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities, promising to bring new ideas and many new programs and topics interesting to lecturers and students alike. Here are some of the outstanding programs and work content that Dr. Annie Hilsdon supports the Faculty and the University in programs such:
- Support staff and researchers to publish internationally
- Support staff to improve academic English
- Support the development and innovation of programs and teaching methods
- Support the implementation of the project 'Promoting Gender Equality in Academic Leadership and Research' (sponsored by Australian Volunteers International)
Dr. Nguyen Vu Hoang - Deputy Head of the Faculty of Anthropology shared about the achievements and opportunities, the results of cooperation with the Faculty of Anthropology and emphasized co-research and publishing in the near future.
At the end of the session, Principal Hoang Anh Tuan officially welcomed Dr. Annie Hilsdon to the VNU - USSH family, and wished the doctor a good time, working effectively and considering the USSH as her second home in the spirit of " Một ngày nên nghĩa".