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Chairman of the VCP Central Organization Commission visited and worked at USSH

Wednesday - 06/03/2019 21:06
On March 1st, 2019, Mr. Pham Minh Chinh (Member of the Politburo, Secretary of the Vietnam Communist Party Central Committee, Chairman of the VCP Central Organization Commission) visited and participated in the first meeting of USSH's newly-elected Council for Policy Consulting. The discussions revolved around the operational guidelines of the Council and the role of social sciences and humanities in social and national development in the current era.
Chairman of the VCP Central Organization Commission visited and worked at USSH
Chairman of the VCP Central Organization Commission visited and worked at USSH

Mr. Pham Minh Chinh speaks at the meeting

Prof.Dr Pham Quang Minh (USSH's Rector) sent his warm greetings to Mr. Pham Minh Chinh and the high-level delegates visiting the University. On the challenges faced by social sciences and humanities in the rapid transformation of digital education and the fourth industrial revolution, the Rector reiterated the University's resolution to completely innovate its various affairs in order to adapt, develop itself and integrate into the world in the current era; in which the activities of the Council for Policy Consulting will play a crucial role.

Rector Pham Quang Minh granted the decision to appoint Prof.Dr Phung Huu Phu (former Member of the Party Central Committee, Permanent Deputy Chairman of the Central Council for Theory, first Rector of USSH)

The objectives followed by USSH are: maintain internal solidarity and consensus on the needed reforms that serve as the basis for development strategies; renovate university governance in a modern way; utilize and promote existing infrastructures to invest in sustainable development; renovate management mechanisms and apply modern university governance models to liberate the professional capability and creativity of staff; pursue a liberal philosophy in higher education to create breakthroughs in training and research affairs; prioritize focal and revolutionary research projects; and upgrade curricula based on a trans-disciplinary and trans-knowledge orientation to meet new human resources demands.

Prof.Dr Pham Quang Minh

VNU's Director Nguyen Kim Son confirmed the meeting delivered meaningful messages about the interest given by the Vietnamese Party and State to policy consulting and social sciences and humanities. VNU considers policy consulting not only an important component in research affairs but also its national and social responsibility. For good policy advising to be made, it requires first of all a good cadre of experts that have intensive research products, are neatly organized and well-trained. With its multi-disciplinary, multi-area nature and a large amount of expriences in implementing major research projects, VNU has many advantages and conditions to carry out this activity.

In reality, the Party and State have recognized the many contributions made by VNU's scientists through policy consulting in such areas as natural resources, response to natural disasters, climate change, non-traditional security, sustainable development and the development of laws and Constitution. Economically, VNU's annual economic reports are highly appreciated and used by the State in policy-making affairs. In educational affairs, VNU provides consulting on how to innovate admission procedures and holds capability evaluation exams. These results will become a great foundation for strengthening its policy consulting affairs in the coming time.

Assoc.Prof.Dr Nguyen Kim Son

The VNU's Director also suggested the Party and State become more interested in contracting and giving assignments to the social sciences and humanities scholars at VNU on dealing with different issues; the human development strategies, socio-economic development orientations, etc.

Prof. Vu Duong Ninh

Representing the scientists at USSH and the Council for Policy Consulting, Prof. Vu Duong Ninh (Chairman of USSH's Association of Former Teachers) described the practical and urgent tasks that need to be realized in Vietnam's social sciences and humanities, such as finding a unique path for Vietnam's development that is relevant to its conditions and starting points; studying the history of the border fights to protect Vietnam, especially those at the Southwest and Northern fronts and the fight for national sovereignty over the sea and islands. These must become the main research focuses that require synthesizing the capability of political scientists, historians, international relations researchers, sociologists and geologists, etc, which will undoubtedly make valuable and direct contributions to policy consulting at national level.

Former Vietnam's Deputy Prime Minister Vu Khoan

Emphasizing the importance of social sciences and humanities, former Deputy Prime Minister Vu Khoan said regarding Vietnam's development at the moment, "the most difficult and concerning aspect is culture" as it is a "soft power" for national development. There are still plenty of "holes" in modern history that the scientists have to study, otherwise the historical information, lessons and experiences will fade away as time goes by. The scientists also have to pay interest to the issue of forecasting given an uncertain future so that useful consulting on national development can be provided for the Party and State.

Prof.Dr Pham Quang Minh presents Mr. Pham Minh Chinh with copies of some of the University's prominent works

After receiving the input from the audience, Mr. Pham Minh Chinh delivered his speech to make known his connection with the University's scholars and scientists and highlighted that in the context of the fourth industrial revolution, high-quality human resources and science and technology, including social sciences and humanities play a particularly important role in the economic development and social progress of any nation.

USSH (VNU) is a prestigious and traditional university with active contributions to the development of many social sciences and humanities majors in Vietnam. The presence of a council for policy consulting at USSH reflects its prestige, position and social responsibility towards the country.

On the basis, Mr. Pham Minh Chinh requested USSH's and the Council's for Policy Consulting's scientists to continue developing their intellect, enthusiasm and fondness for science and carry out the following duties: clarify and consolidate the Party's ideological foundation for policy-making decisions and the State's laws and policies according to Resolution no 37 issued by the Politburo on October 9th, 2014 concerning theoretical affairs and research orientations until 2030; help the Party and State provide direct and sufficient instructions on how to implement the central missions issued at the 2nd National Party Congress, especially the 6th mission on developing the human component in every area of social life; developing the ethics, personalities, lifestyles, intellect and work capacity among the people; and actively provide feedback for the Resolution and documents of the upcoming 7th Party Congress.

Mr. Pham Minh Chinh requested the Party's committees, ministries and departments continue to care for the development of scientific staff and a national strategy for attracting talented people according to the Resolution of the 7th Conference of the 8th Central Party Committee on developing staff at different levels irrespective of their Party membership or their nationality; developing special policies to discover, attract and utilize human resources in a central and focused way, especially to serve the pivotal sciences and thus rapid, radical national development. 

Prof.Dr Phung Huu Phu

Chairman of the Council of Policy Consulting, Prof. Dr Phung Huu Phu said the guidelines provided by Mr. Pham Minh Chinh are the very instructions and hints that the Council should adopt in planning and implementing its activities in the coming time. The Council will promote its role of connecting the intellect and creativity of all the scientists; crystalizing the ideas and findings of strong academicians and academic units within USSH; effectively collaborating with external bodies such as the Ho Chi Minh National Academy of Politics, the Vietnam Association of Social Sciences, and the Central Council for Theory to identify proper missions for national development in line with the strengths and advantages of the scientists within USSH, VNU Hanoi.

Author: Thanh Ha, Ngoc Tung

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