Ngôn ngữ
4. Nơi sinh: Bắc Ninh
5. Quyết định công nhận học viên số 2119/2011/QĐ-XHNV-SĐH. Ngày 01 tháng 11 năm 2011 của Hiệu trưởng Trường Đại học Khoa học Xã hội và Nhân văn, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội.
12. Khả năng ứng dụng trong thực tế: Là tài liệu tham khảo cho cơ quan quản lý nhà nước về du lịch, doanh nghiệp du lịch cũng như các nghiên cứu tiếp theo của tác giả.
Topic “Tourism promotion activities of Hanoi City towards attracting Chinese tourists” researched in 2009-2013 period, the thesis gained results as follows:
- Systematized theoretical base for tourism promotion, roles and forms of promotion activities mainly used in current tourism activities in order to attract and develop a tourist market and based on that the author applied to tourism promotion activities of Hanoi City.
- By researching the real situation of a number of Chinese visitors to Hanoi City over the past five years through analyzing results survey of Chinese tourists coming to Hanoi, the thesis showed that Chinese tourists coming to Hanoi increasing but changing market. Along with the above work, examinations, surveys and interviews of Chinese tourists have also been conducted, accordingly the author drawn conclusions about a source of Chinese visitor to Hanoi.
- On the basis of analyzing the real situation of promotion activities of Hanoi tourism industry for the purpose of attracting tourists, the thesis pointed out advantages, disadvantages, restrictions as well as opportunities of Hanoi tourism industry towards attracting Chinese tourists in upcoming time, and then it proposed some solutions and recommendations to the tourism authorities at central level and Hanoi tourism authorities in order to strongly develop this tourist market in upcoming years.
11. Practical applicability: the thesis shall be used as a reference for the State’s tourism management authorities, tourism enterprises and researches of the next authors.
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